ellen hogrebe
A member of Swallowtail’s Wetland and Stream Mitigation Banking Division beginning in 2022, Ms. Hogrebe has significant experience with ecosystem restoration and landscape stewardship. She assists in the monitoring and management of 13 existing wetland and stream mitigation banks across Missouri and eastern Kansas as well as several other habitat restoration projects. She also conducts wetland delineations and rain garden and stormwater BMP performance and compliance inspections in the St. Louis area.
Master of Science, The Ohio State University, 2016
B.S., Magna Cum Laude, Environmental Biology, Minor: Geology, University of Dayton, 2013
Member, Society of Wetland Scientists
Member, Missouri Native Plant Society
Certified Prescribed Burn Manager, Missouri Department of Conservation
Institute of Botanical Training Workshops
Richard Chinn USACE Wetland Delineation Training Program
University of Dayton Environmental Biology Award of Excellence
River Steward, Rivers Institute at the University of Dayton
Dean’s List, University of Dayton
Nishnabotna / Platte EDU Umbrella Mitigation Bank Site 1: Castile Creek – Buchanan County, Missouri– Ms. Hogrebe has assisted with the monitoring of the site through soil sampling, evaluation of hydrology and vegetation, data analysis, and preparation of a written report. This information will help in the evaluation and management of a 291-acre restoration area which legally protects one or both sides of 1.9 miles of perennial rivers, restores floodplain connectivity to 150 acres of previously leveed land along the Platte River and Castile Creek, and restores or enhances over 250 acres of herbaceous wetlands, forested wetlands, and riparian buffers.
Kansas River and Missouri River Umbrella Mitigation Bank Site 4: Stranger Creek – Leavenworth County, Kansas – Ms. Hogrebe assists with the monitoring of this 88-acre site. The monitoring information will help in the evaluation and management of this stream restoration area which legally protects more than a mile of Stranger Creek on one side and more than 1,200 feet of that creek along both sides. Additionally, this project includes the complete restoration of more than a mile of intermittent stream channels which had been previously channelized and 79 acres of riparian forest planting.
Onion Creek Wetland and Stream Mitigation Bank – Montgomery County, Kansas – Swallowtail has proposed this 23-acre site, which includes restoring 2 acres of wetlands, restoring riparian forest along 2,800 feet of Onion Creek, preserving 5 acres of riparian forest, improving aquatic organism passage, and removing a farm berm that impedes floodplain connectivity. Ms. Hogrebe is a contributing designer for this site and has assisted with preparing the required documentation for the regulatory approval process, including the wetland delineation and mitigation banking instrument.
Kansas River and Missouri River Umbrella Mitigation Bank Site 2: Stranger Creek – Leavenworth County, Kansas – Swallowtail restored this 199-acre site through several actions, including breaching a levee that kept floodwaters off of more than a mile of one side of Stranger Creek, restoring a new channel for more than 3,500 feet of a previously channelized perennial tributary and an ephemeral stream, planting 87 acres of new riparian forest, restoring 68 acres of wetlands, and enhancing 22 additional acres of existing wetlands. Ms. Hogrebe is assisting in this effort by monitoring the compliance of wetlands, riparian areas, and other upland locations with the ecological performance standards used to judge the site’s success in achieving the planned environmental improvements.
Cavender’s Boot City BMP Inspections – St. Louis County, Missouri –Ms. Hogrebe monitors compliance with Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District requirements for a commercial location near the Missouri River. This includes inspections of rain gardens and open swales to identify potential chemical contamination, invasive plant establishment, hydrological impairments, and aesthetic concerns. Ms. Hogrebe’s observations are sent to the client along with recommendations of how to address any issues and are delivered to the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District once a year.